Composite Fillings – A Win-Win Solution

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Choosing a dentist that offers composite fillings can mean significant benefits towards your smile. These types of fillings are made of composite resin material, a durable plastic and glass mixture that naturally blends with the color of your smile. Unlike metal or amalgam filling material, composite resin can be used to restore both the function and aesthetics of your smile. Here’s a closer look at this win-win solution.

Tooth-colored fillings are liquid when they are applied. The material is hardened under a special curing light, allowing it to strongly adhere to the surface of the affected tooth. Rest assured that composite fillings are highly durable and able to withstand every chewing function. Unlike a large metal filling, a composite filling doesn’t drive a wedge between your tooth sections (which often weakens the tooth).

At Basin Dentistry, we use composite resin in a variety of situations. You may hear composite resin in reference to a filling or bonding. Composite fillings offer natural, sustainable results in the following situations:

  • Decay
  • Cracked or chipped teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Deeply stained or discolored teeth
  • Minor gaps between teeth
  • A replacement for old, metal fillings

With the help of modern dentistry, you no longer have to sacrifice your smile appearance to repair a cavity or fix tooth damage. Call Basin Dentistry to learn more about tooth-colored, composite fillings today.

Posted on behalf of Basin Dentistry